Nov 9, 2013

First Trimester Recap 2-6w

I would have to admit the first trimester was very difficult for me emotionally. Looking back now I can't believe what an emotional roller coaster it was. From what I have found I'm not sure if many women do. It wasn't what I was expecting it to be at all. What I found so difficult were mainly two things. 

I was constantly tired and at night I couldn't sleep from the leg cramps and having to get up to use the bathroom. At all hours of the day I was purely exhausted. The second thing I found the most difficult was how emotional I was. I felt really confused and worried, after all I was supposed to be so happy about being pregnant and I was just sad. 
It was deffinatly a strengthening period for Chip and I. I felt so bad for him after all he could not relate and he was honestly thinking he had found the craziest girl on the planet…. I was beginning to feel like I was a crazy person.

I also had periods of time where I broke out on my face and neck area. I did buy some face wipes to help, I was a little held back on the thought, because I had never had an issue with that.
Surprisingly I didn't call to my Drs. office much. The one time I did I had stomach pains on my side. It was just stomach muscles stretching, its quite normal and I'm used to it now.

Anyways this just does not sound like much like a joyful experience, but from what I have read and how I have been feeling now you will be your self again and have an enjoyable experience. I feel a lot better now after my 11 week period. I would describe it as my head feels out of the clouds and I can breath again!!

Its a strong cocktail of hormones and chemicals not to mention our little Baby Fig. The hormones estrogen and progesterone increase rapidly in the first few months affecting the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. (read more on it here
6wks 5days 11mm 128 Beats/min.
Here are some helpful suggestions on how to put your mind and body at ease.
Take it easy. Slow down, I found that when I was moody everything was extreme. 

Bond with your partner. Although I thought just by telling him how I was feeling and having him understand would work. Allow him to be connected as much as possible. Most of all make time for the both of you!

Do something that makes you feel good. It met a lot to me when someone took me out to get my nails done or my hair, these little things would relax me and put me as ease looking back. I would also start reading up on baby blogs and books to get a better understanding on myself and pumped for the baby.

Reach out. Air your worries with understanding supportive friends. Just being able to get them out with help release some of that anxiety. They would also be useful in giving you insight into solutions or dispute them. My friends helped me out so much I don't know what I would do without them. Talk with your partner as well, keep it a two way street, listen to his feelings too.

Manage your stress. One thing that I have learned in the past is to manage my stress that was helpful and key to being healthy and happy. Don't overt think stuff, write things down, see a councilor, find ways to decompress. SLEEP even though this was nearly impossible during my first trimester. Eat well be conscious of what goes into your body, but snack too. Exercise, find a routine to do. Have fun!

I found it really helpful to listen and to read other people stories… this is mine.

These suggestion are just what I found helpful. You don't have to follow these nor do I have any medical backing.

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